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Finding a Roommate the Best Way

The reason why you are living independently is because you would not want someone invading your privacy.  But, what happens when you are forced to have a roommate in order to save some money and exhaust all the resources?  Well, the best thing that you can do is to find the perfect roommate for you.  And to do that, here are some things that you should not forget:
Does he live a clean or messy environment?  Of course, people have different personalities and lifestyles.  And it is one of the biggest challenges that people must face.  If you live a life that is similar to these people, then a problem with that may not arise.  Choose the roommate that best equates your personality. Does he love to go outside all the time?  People who go outside and stay up late night outside the apartment, the more it becomes for you to secure yourself and your belongings because your roommate tends to wake you up from time to time because you think about who gets in and out of the house.  Does he respect privacy? At times, you would want to have time for yourself alone.  If your roommate understands this, then you will likely not have problem about living a private life at times. 
You need to bear this in mind and for sure, you will find the right if not the perfect roommate.